Construction Accidents

Construction Accident Attorney in San Diego – Our Law Firm Can Put Knowledge and Resources to Work For You

There is no other way to say it, construction can be a very dangerous industry to work in. According to a recent study released by the United States Department of Labor, one in five fatal workplace accidents happen in the field of construction. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently showed in a report that fatalities have risen in construction every year since 2011.

Construction companies are required to properly inspect job sites and train employees for safe practices and provide all needed safety precautions, but these practices aren't always executed properly and accidents still frequently happen on the job. No number of precautions seem to be able to fully protect those working in construction.

The Law Offices of Ronald B. Laba has the experience and resources necessary to handle any and all construction accident cases. Whether you or one of your family members or loved ones were the victim of a construction accident, we can help.

What kind of construction accidents in San Diego might prompt a claim?

There is a bevy of construction accidents very common in San Diego which you should contact an attorney such as Ronald Laba should you, or a family member or loved one, fall victim to one.

Some of the accidents which may draw compensation with the right representation include:

  • Crane and forklift accidents
  • Falling objects
  • Falls from scaffolding
  • Power tool injuries
  • Poorly maintained machinery
  • Broken hardware, cables or ropes
  • Bulldozer, forklift or crane accidents
  • Exposure to chemical toxic fumes
  • Back and neck injuries from falling lumber
  • Hoisted loads that break off and fall due to faulty rigging

Are construction victim accidents in San Diego entitled to more than just worker's compensation?

A construction worker is covered by worker's compensation, but that alone is frequently not enough to fully cover the substantial injuries which commonly take place at construction sites. A skilled construction accident attorney like Ronald Laba will work to get you the additional compensation worker's compensation does not supply.

How do I prove my employer was at fault?

A construction accident attorney with experience working with these kind of cases like Ronald Laba can go over your case in-detail and unearth the facts you need to know to prove your employer was liable. In California, a victim must plead a prima facie case, which in legal terms means you have stated all the facts that are sufficient to support a cause of action for negligence.

It is highly-recommended you consult with an attorney when pleading  prima facie as it is an incredibly complex process, but some basics of the process in San Diego include:

Proving Duty: A victim must prove they were given a duty by the employer.

Proving Breach: A victim must then prove breach of that duty. In California, this commonly can be proven by showing an employer violated a statue.

Proving Causation: The victim must prove the employer's breach of duty caused their injuries.

Proving Damages: The victim must prove they were actually harmed or injured.

Going through each of these steps can be a highly-complicated and arduous process, but the Law Offices of Ronald Laba are heavily-experienced in the process and can successfully navigate victims through the victim through it with as much ease as possible and guide them in the right direction.

Can I still have a construction accident claim even if my employer was not negligent?

A crucial key to your potential case will be proving the employer was negligent, but that is not the only factor at play. If the accident was caused by someone other than the employer, the victim may have grounds to file a third party construction accident claim. These claims allow injured victims to pursue fair compensation for damages if someone other than their direct employer is at fault.

Are family and loved ones of the victim of a fatal construction accident eligible for damages?

Yes. There are many options to explore if your family member or loved one was killed in a construction accident. You may need to file a wrongful death claim, which a San Diego construction accident attorney can help with.

Can a San Diego construction accident attorney help?

Yes. The Law Offices of Ronald Laba has a track record of getting major settlements for victims of construction accidents in San Diego.

Contact Us

The Law Offices of Ronald Laba can help you get the compensation you deserve and help you get your life back on track.



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Vista, CA 92084

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4 Main Reasons People Don’t call a Lawyer

While it seems that most people should know it is important to seek advice when they are injured, statistics show that many people don’t. San Diego accident attorney Ronald B. Laba knows it can be difficult to even make a phone call to an attorney’s...

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